In the heart of the Costa Daurada, Cambrils is one of the most representative towns of the Catalan coast, but with direct access to places of interest inland. For the sportsman looking for a pleasant environment, with everything at hand, Cambrils is located between the sea and an abundant and fertile plain around, the mountains nearby and with a sign “open for sport 365 days a year”.

Here you can enjoy an ideal climate during the twelve months of the year, with mild summers and winters, not very strident in temperatures, which allow you to enjoy all kinds of sports in a perfectly suitable municipality, with all the elements that define a solid sports culture: entities with tradition and recognition, facilities, hotels and businesses for athletes of all types and a calendar of events with a wide range of sports.

A walk through the sports facilities in Cambrils

The municipal environment of Cambrils has a map of sports facilities that opens the door to all kinds of sports.

The Cambrils soccer field is located in the Sports Zone, near the new train station, in a large and clear area, with enough space for three soccer fields with dimensions ranging from 105×68 meters to 91×62 meters. The facility is modern, less than fifteen years old and seats up to one thousand spectators.

Next to the three soccer fields, in the same Cambrils Sports Zone, the athletics track puts the focus on the most demanding training with a ring with eight lanes to compete, two areas for shot put, a cage for the hammer and discus, two long jump pits, a high jump area and a pole vault area. All complemented with a gymnasium and multipurpose room.

The Cambrils Sports Pavilion is a centrally located building with two covered pavilions and a synthetic surface for sports such as basketball, soccer and handball, not to mention its heated swimming pool in two versions, 25x16m and 16x8m, along with a gym and rooms for supervised activities.

In the Pinaret Park, Cambrils has its climbing wall, a 15-meter high wall with different degrees of difficulty. An archery range and a skatepark complete the visit.

Cambrils beach, a place to enjoy the sport

Cambrils facilities are close to the beach with the Streetball court that includes three 3×3 basketball courts plus another mini-basketball that puts sporting atmosphere in the middle of the Paseo de las Palmeras.

The beach is an asset as long as the municipality, highly appreciated for nautical activities but also for recreational activities linked to the sea. Among these spaces, it is interesting the concentration that occurs in the Platja del Regueral, nautical base of Cambrils, with other activities related to the sea, but also with the sand, especially beach volleyball, there we can enjoy tournaments such as university championships and championships of Catalonia, also in the Regueral beach you can play beach soccer matches, beach tennis and beach handball.

Natural and unique environments for running and cycling

For running lovers, apart from the athletics stadium, Cambrils offers a couple of very pleasant areas for running. The seafront of Cambrils is nine kilometers long, with a wide variety of landscapes and terrains, from terrazzo to land. Along the promenade there are training areas.

The other option is the Pinaret Park, which is more pleasant in the central hours of the day, as it is a park with a generous grove of trees. There are 48,000 square meters for a 2.3 kilometer circuit on a “friendly” surface for the runner as it is the land.

You will also be able to opt for stops in the calisthenics equipment areas along the promenade and other areas of the municipality to perform complementary exercises.

Surely in some of these scenarios the runner will come across cyclists, in fact the promenade has a bike path that extends to other areas of the municipality. Cambrils is in fact a real paradise for cyclists, the proximity routes in the municipal environment offer an extensive variety of trails and streams for mountain biking and for families or those who want to go out nearby.

For “gourmet cyclists”, lovers of long-distance cycling on the road, Cambrils is the real cycling hub of the Costa Daurada with a menu to suit all tastes. From Cambrils we have direct departure to the Priorat, a region of sublime landscapes and perfect roads to ride, the mountains of Prades and Mussara, hardness on the menu, and plains where to crush the time trial towards the Ebro Delta, in the south.

But the sporting landscape of Cambrils would not be complete if we do not take into account the sports entities of a wide variety of sports, from the best known and most popular to specific sports such as archery and even dance sports, with an annual event of international level that puts the town on the world map.

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  • Cambrils tiene rutas para convencer al ciclista road más exigente

    Enclavada en una zona con una gran tradición turística, pionera podíamos decir, la oferta para el amante del ciclismo road en Cambrils marida perfectamente con quien quiera pasar unos días de asueto, tranquilos y relajados en rutas sencillas, medias o complicadas, a su elección, a lomos de la bicicleta.

    Hablamos con Juan Sánchez, mecánico de bicicletas que gestiona desde Rodabike el turoperador Cycling Holidays, trayendo a Cambrils ciclistas alemanes, canadienses, ingleses y también del resto de España desde hace dos años.

    Son carreteras variadas y tranquilas, con tráfico reducido en muchas de ellas, buen clima casi todo el año y una población con servicios de primera” comenta Juan sobre Cambrils y su entorno.

    Aquí tenemos variedad, con el Baix y Alt Camp como enclaves más cercanos, la dureza y singularidad del Priorat y Montsant, tierras consagradas al vino pero de paisajes muy cuidados, y no lejos el Delta de l´ Ebre, un privilegio entre arrozales para rodar sin más pretensión que disfrutar de la ruta.

    Si quieres desniveles hay que ir hacia el interior -precisa-, en la costa las rutas son suaves y poco exigentes, aunque eso también depende de la velocidad a la que quieras ir. Tenemos carreteras infinitas“.

    Cambrils, ciudad ciclista y de turismo

    Eso, como decimos en un entorno de gran tradición turística, con una planta hotelera de todos los tipos, adaptada al ciclista, pero también al acompañante que pueda viajar con él, con establecimientos que llevan ya tiempo trabajando un perfil muy apetecible, pues el ciclista acostumbra a ser un cliente muy respetuoso con el entorno, que quiere disfrutar del lugar y asegura un buen nivel de gasto.

    La gastronomía del lugar es perfecta para quien quiera sacarle rendimiento a la bicicleta, son abundantes los frutos secos, pero también para quien pretenda cerrar la jornada con una rica cena basada en pescados y vinos de la zona.

    Tres salidas recomendadas…

    Para gustos, colores, y Juan nos da tres rutas que hablan de la profundidad ciclista de la zona.

    Si salimos de Cambrils al sur, paralelos a la costa, por la antigua N340, donde el tráfico es menor, podemos tener una primer experiencia ciclista de unos 70 kilómetros de ida y vuelta hasta El Perelló.

    Ruta suave, con el mar apareciendo y desapareciendo de nuestra mirada, que si alargamos un poco más puede llevarnos hacia L´ Ampolla, puerta del Delta de l´ Ebre.

    A nivel medio, tenemos una salida de unos 90 kilómetros dirección Montroig para llegar a Colldejou, seguir por Torre de Fontaubella y vuelta por Pradell de Teixeta.

    Aquí ya hay más desnivel, unos 800 metros y el paisaje es un anticipo de lo que hay al otro lado de la faja de montañas que se aprecia de Cambrils.

    Eso es el Priorat, por donde trazamos la tercera ruta, pasando por el pantano de Riudecanyes y subida hacia Duesaigües antes de entrar en Priorat y bajar a Porrera.

    El paisaje cambia, es de interior, la línea de costa queda oculta ante la primera línea de montaña, aquí las opciones son varias, se puede ir hacia Mussara o al Col d´ Alforja para completar unos 125 kilómetros y un desnivel que se va a los 1500 metros, cosa más seria.

    Son sólo tres propuestas, pero sobre un mapa que ofrece todas las combinaciones que se necesiten, no en vano aquí hizo su stage hace unos años el Bahrain con Vincenzo Nibali dando fe de las bondades del lugar.

    Aqui tienes todas las opciones de ciclismo road en Cambrils.

  • In the heart of the Costa Daurada, Cambrils is one of the most representative towns of the Catalan coast, but with direct access to places of interest inland. For the sportsman looking for a pleasant environment, with everything at hand, Cambrils is located between the sea and an abundant and fertile plain around, the mountains nearby and with a sign “open for sport 365 days a year”.

    Here you can enjoy an ideal climate during the twelve months of the year, with mild summers and winters, not very strident in temperatures, which allow you to enjoy all kinds of sports in a perfectly suitable municipality, with all the elements that define a solid sports culture: entities with tradition and recognition, facilities, hotels and businesses for athletes of all types and a calendar of events with a wide range of sports.

    A walk through the sports facilities in Cambrils

    The municipal environment of Cambrils has a map of sports facilities that opens the door to all kinds of sports.

    The Cambrils soccer field is located in the Sports Zone, near the new train station, in a large and clear area, with enough space for three soccer fields with dimensions ranging from 105×68 meters to 91×62 meters. The facility is modern, less than fifteen years old and seats up to one thousand spectators.

    Next to the three soccer fields, in the same Cambrils Sports Zone, the athletics track puts the focus on the most demanding training with a ring with eight lanes to compete, two areas for shot put, a cage for the hammer and discus, two long jump pits, a high jump area and a pole vault area. All complemented with a gymnasium and multipurpose room.

    The Cambrils Sports Pavilion is a centrally located building with two covered pavilions and a synthetic surface for sports such as basketball, soccer and handball, not to mention its heated swimming pool in two versions, 25x16m and 16x8m, along with a gym and rooms for supervised activities.

    In the Pinaret Park, Cambrils has its climbing wall, a 15-meter high wall with different degrees of difficulty. An archery range and a skatepark complete the visit.

    Cambrils beach, a place to enjoy the sport

    Cambrils facilities are close to the beach with the Streetball court that includes three 3×3 basketball courts plus another mini-basketball that puts sporting atmosphere in the middle of the Paseo de las Palmeras.

    The beach is an asset as long as the municipality, highly appreciated for nautical activities but also for recreational activities linked to the sea. Among these spaces, it is interesting the concentration that occurs in the Platja del Regueral, nautical base of Cambrils, with other activities related to the sea, but also with the sand, especially beach volleyball, there we can enjoy tournaments such as university championships and championships of Catalonia, also in the Regueral beach you can play beach soccer matches, beach tennis and beach handball.

    Natural and unique environments for running and cycling

    For running lovers, apart from the athletics stadium, Cambrils offers a couple of very pleasant areas for running. The seafront of Cambrils is nine kilometers long, with a wide variety of landscapes and terrains, from terrazzo to land. Along the promenade there are training areas.

    The other option is the Pinaret Park, which is more pleasant in the central hours of the day, as it is a park with a generous grove of trees. There are 48,000 square meters for a 2.3 kilometer circuit on a “friendly” surface for the runner as it is the land.

    You will also be able to opt for stops in the calisthenics equipment areas along the promenade and other areas of the municipality to perform complementary exercises.

    Surely in some of these scenarios the runner will come across cyclists, in fact the promenade has a bike path that extends to other areas of the municipality. Cambrils is in fact a real paradise for cyclists, the proximity routes in the municipal environment offer an extensive variety of trails and streams for mountain biking and for families or those who want to go out nearby.

    For “gourmet cyclists”, lovers of long-distance cycling on the road, Cambrils is the real cycling hub of the Costa Daurada with a menu to suit all tastes. From Cambrils we have direct departure to the Priorat, a region of sublime landscapes and perfect roads to ride, the mountains of Prades and Mussara, hardness on the menu, and plains where to crush the time trial towards the Ebro Delta, in the south.

    But the sporting landscape of Cambrils would not be complete if we do not take into account the sports entities of a wide variety of sports, from the best known and most popular to specific sports such as archery and even dance sports, with an annual event of international level that puts the town on the world map.

  • Cambrils has a completely flat terrain, ideal for walking and cycling and perfect for families. We have more than 25 km of marked bike lanes, 9 of which run along the coastline of Cambrils. You can consult the route of the bike lanes of Cambrils and other neighboring municipalities on this map. Stop by the tourist office in Cambrils to take the printed map of bike lanes and it is totally free.

    We are also part of the Cities for Bicycles Network with the objective of facilitating, making safer and developing the circulation of cyclists, especially in urban areas.